What I’m passionate about:
#Coffee #StarWars #ChelseaFC #MakerOfThings #ReduceCarbonFootprint
Favourite space:
The Pantheon in Rome, built in 120 AD.
Preferred era in architecture:
Right now! We are in the midst of advancements in technology that allow us to reach further and higher than ever before. Utilizing BIM programs for design, such as Revit, we can pretty much build anything we can imagine. We can construct buildings that are highly sustainable, net zero energy, zero carbon and even living buildings. It’s exciting to be part of an architectural revolution that creates better buildings, healthier living environments and simply makes the world a better place to be.
Material that excites me:
Brick. So many possibilities.
Artist I would like to collaborate with on a design project:
Anish Kapoor. The Bean in Chicago is sublime. You become completely immersed into this magical, refracted view of the world around you.
I’m influenced by:
There are too many names to list, but I really admire James Cutler for his vision of the West Coast aesthetic and respect for wood.
When I’m not working you can find me:
At home in the garden or on a hike with our dog.
Go-to morning drink:
Coffee. Typically, a strong Americano, no milk, no sugar.
Social media of choice:
Twitter, because where else can you read a message from Ricky Gervais, Seth Rogen, Michelle Obama or Sir Norman Foster all during your morning coffee?
John Botelho
I grew up:
In North Delta, a 40-minute drive to downtown Vancouver. Close enough to experience Whitecaps games, Stanley Park, the PNE and the Vancouver Aquarium, but far enough to enjoy a perfect suburban childhood with lots of fun, friendships and mischief, where I honed my trouble-making skills.
High school and a healthy dose of experience (I’ve spent 29 years in the A/E/C industry).
Notable accomplishments/awards:
Becoming a Registered Architectural Technologist with the AIBC
I chose JDa because:
Of love. Kim Johnston and I are married. One fateful day I was asked to come in to JDa and help out over the weekend to meet a deadline, where I put my drafting skills to task. The JDa team liked what I could do and hired me! Kim and I have been working together at the firm for 17 years. We must be having fun, as they’ve flown by.
I bring to JDa:
A varied skillset that gravitates more towards the technical side. I have a deep knowledge of AutoCAD and drafting conventions, as well as proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite and Sketchup. Revit is the next beast to tame, which I am getting to know better every day. I grew up with the PC and can manage servers, deploy networks and troubleshoot computer issues as they arise. I love science and science fiction, so I tend to geek out over new technology, which leads to embracing innovative ideas for projects, and finding ways to apply interesting materials or sustainable solutions whenever possible.
Path to architecture:
Totally unconventional. I learned AutoSketch and AutoCAD 2.6 in junior high, and AutoCAD 10 in high school. I paralleled my drafting classes with a full complement of art classes. I then worked in engineering and architecture offices, becoming a CAD manager while learning several disciplines along the way. I also have bolstered my education with continuing education courses.
I’m drawn to design because:
I love to create, build and make things.
My design philosophy:
A collaborative environment is one of the keys to a successful project.
I’m most excited in architecture today about:
Embracing sustainable design, and making a meaningful impact to help the world become a better place.