I chose Vancouver because:
There really wasn’t anywhere else I could go.
I’m concerned about:
When I wake up in the morning, whether or not I’m in a state of grace.
Go-to unit of measurement:
I can’t live without:
Air, Water, Food, Shelter.
On my playlist:
Anything that, when turned up loud enough, hurts the ears good and makes the heart pound.
If I wasn’t an architect I would be:
Able to sleep properly.
Tyler Dellebuur
I grew up:
South Okanagan, Born and Raise; In the basement was where I spent most of my days.
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Major in Visual Arts from UBC-O and Master of Architecture from UBC
Notable accomplishments/awards:
Getting the call that I got accepted into architecture was a proud moment, I would say.
I chose JDa because:
I felt very comfortable and excited to work with everyone, and to work at a small firm was what I was always looking for.
I bring to JDa:
A Puppy-like wonder of exploring the world, and I’m always excited to learn new things.
Path to architecture:
The first time I heard the word “architect” was when I was 7 years old. I asked my mom what’s the name of the job that would allow me to build Lego all day, and she said architect.
My design philosophy:
Materials, Meanings, and Feelings.
Architect I admire most:
Lebbeus Woods and Madeline Gins & Shusaku Arakawa. They both just expand beyond what many consider conventional “architecture” and that is something to admire.
Projects I’m proud of:
I was very fortunate to have worked on the design of a book about the wonderful moments and drawings of local Architect Frances Zago Schmitt. I was so delighted for someone to take a chance on me to work on a project so meaningful and for it to turn out as great as it did, its something I won’t forget.